full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Tamana Ayazi and Kat Craig: The danger and devotion of fighting for women in Afghanistan

Unscramble the Blue Letters

TA: The film is about a strong wmaon who was trying to make a change in her community. And like many other Afghans from my generation, Zarifa Ghafari was trying to make a change in her own hotmewon of mdaain Shar, Maidan Wardak. And she was quite famous in aaagintsfhn, so I was really curious to know about her more. So that's how I visited her. And then we were trying to make a film not only about who Zarifa was, but also the country itself. So we tried to include other characters to be able to tell a story of the country, not only one person. And the journey of the country towards 2021.

Open Cloze

TA: The film is about a strong _____ who was trying to make a change in her community. And like many other Afghans from my generation, Zarifa Ghafari was trying to make a change in her own ________ of ______ Shar, Maidan Wardak. And she was quite famous in ___________, so I was really curious to know about her more. So that's how I visited her. And then we were trying to make a film not only about who Zarifa was, but also the country itself. So we tried to include other characters to be able to tell a story of the country, not only one person. And the journey of the country towards 2021.


  1. woman
  2. hometown
  3. afghanistan
  4. maidan

Original Text

TA: The film is about a strong woman who was trying to make a change in her community. And like many other Afghans from my generation, Zarifa Ghafari was trying to make a change in her own hometown of Maidan Shar, Maidan Wardak. And she was quite famous in Afghanistan, so I was really curious to know about her more. So that's how I visited her. And then we were trying to make a film not only about who Zarifa was, but also the country itself. So we tried to include other characters to be able to tell a story of the country, not only one person. And the journey of the country towards 2021.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
beautiful film 2
started making 2
making films 2
maidan wardak 2
started working 2
strong taliban 2
taliban presence 2
shake hands 2
put pressure 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
started making films 2
strong taliban presence 2

Important Words

  1. afghanistan
  2. afghans
  3. change
  4. characters
  5. community
  6. country
  7. curious
  8. famous
  9. film
  10. generation
  11. ghafari
  12. hometown
  13. include
  14. journey
  15. maidan
  16. person
  17. shar
  18. story
  19. strong
  20. visited
  21. wardak
  22. woman
  23. zarifa